NDT - BEM Scanning
BEM is a form of non-destructive evaluation provided by Elite Pipeline Services. EPS is the most experienced and highly qualified in BEM. Our Hand Scanning Kit (HSK) uses magnetic technology (pulse eddy current) to measure the density of metal and detect flaws on either side of the pipe wall. BEM produces a real-time display plot percentage of wall thickness. Post Survey Processing of collected information is also available to determine actual wall loss.
As a result of being a non-contact and non-destructive method of evaluation, BEM has incredible benefits. First, BEM is not frequency dependent and measurements are not affected by stray currents or background noise. If data is affected, it can be filtered to obtain the necessary information. Second, the HSK does not need to be in contact with the surface under inspection, so coatings, lining, and surface corrosion can be left in place, reducing the amount of pre-survey work. Third, BEM provides for 100% surface scanning coverage.
As a result of being a non-contact and non-destructive method of evaluation, BEM has incredible benefits. First, BEM is not frequency dependent and measurements are not affected by stray currents or background noise. If data is affected, it can be filtered to obtain the necessary information. Second, the HSK does not need to be in contact with the surface under inspection, so coatings, lining, and surface corrosion can be left in place, reducing the amount of pre-survey work. Third, BEM provides for 100% surface scanning coverage.
Corrosion Assessment
During the year we created a dedicated website. The reason for it was due to its uniqueness and growing popularity for assessment.